With SICCA's innovative IoT-based system, farmers can control their irrigation processes from anywhere, saving time and effort. Manage your farm irrigation remotely

Our Product

Smart Automation

We provide a range of product and services to manage water or fertilizers at small or big farms. Climate control in polyhouses, poultry farms and cow-sheds. Irrigation control in landscaping along with overhead tank monitoring and control in urban spaces like golf course, residential or commercial complexes.

Based on the your requirements, we give you perfect solutions to fit your needs.

Key Highlights

Saves upto 80% time & effort

Saves upto 60% water

Saves Upto 50% Fertilizers

Increase upto 40% Yield


Complete Control of your farm from your Mobile Phone. Now there is no need to depend on labor for farm operations.

SICCA Controller

Our Services

Irrigation Automation for Marginal Farms

Mission Wapsa caters to managing irrigation automation of small & marginal holder farmers based on the soil moisture input from the farm

Wireless Valve Automation (4G)

For farms with valves/pump away from the main controller, making the farm hassle free from wires

Wired Valve Automation (4G)

For farms with centralized valves, the automation is a direct plugin

Smart Precise Irrigation

Controlling the irrigation based on innovative soil moisture sensing technology

Poly House Climate Control

Control the microclimatic parameters inside a poly house along with automated irrigation and fertigation management

Poultry Climate Control

Automatically control the microclimatic parameters like temperature and humidity inside a poultry farm to give your poultry animals the best atmosphere to grow

Cowshed Climate Control

Automatically control the microclimatic parameters inside a cowshed to improve milk production and quality

Landscaping Automation

Automatically control irrigation requirements without additional manpower and efficiently manage plant growth

Residential / Commercial Water Management

Automatically control the water in overhead tanks without the hassle of checking the tank fill status

Our Promise

Excellence Service

SICCA’s unwavering commitment ensures your success and peace of mind.

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